There's something about cold weather that sucks all the motivation out of me. Today is most likely going to be a pj day. But who doesn't love those days?
I'm officially one year older now :) My birthday was this week and I made the most DELICIOUS oreo ice cream cake. It's seriously absolute heaven. Since it fell during the middle of the week, my birthday was pretty low-key this year. But hey, I'll just have another one next year!
My big excitement over my birthday though was the bread machine my mom got me. It's absolutely fabulous! I've made sandwich bread, bagels, garlic basil bread, and apple pecan bread so far. I just love it. I even made a reusable bread bag to store all my loafs of bread in. I also have the option to make jams and doughs! I'm thinking tonight I'll make cherry turnovers. I can't wait for the Strawberry Festival in March so I can make a bunch of jam :)
My stupid camera died recently so all my pictures for the next couple of weeks are going to be ugly. I'm so lost without my camera. But this gives me the opportunity for an upgrade :) I'm looking at the Canon Rebel. Pretty excited. I even have a pattern to make a cute padded bag/carrying case for it.
I've got some new and fun things in the works for the Boutique. I added a "Green Living" section which will be filled with accessories for living in a "Green" household. I'll be adding things slowly as I finish them and come up with new ideas. First up is reusable swiffer pads! Those will be sold in packs of three along with a "recipe" card for floor cleaner. Some of you may have seen the coffee mug cozies that were already added around the holidays :) Keeps your drink warm and your hands cool! Eventually polymer clay buttons will probably be added too. I've just started playing with all that and I want to perfect my ideas before I add them. Also soon I'm hoping to stock up on a bunch of yarn to get to work on soakers and longies for the store. I've just been in a knitting mood lately. And of course when those come out, so will the wool wash bars :) I made a few of those last week to get to scrubbin on my newly knitted wool. The wool wash bars turn lanolizing and washing your woolies into one step!
In parting I'll leave you with some pictures (albeit bad cell phone ones) of what I've been up to lately!

Mommy's little helper <3
Reusable Swiffer Sweeper and Mop pads :)
Angry birds!
(oh I forgot to mention my new Aerogarden...)
I'm growing my own herbs in my kitchen :) I've got seven different plants growing. One day when they get big and strong I'm going to clip them up and make yummy homemade seasonings out of them
Thanks for reading (and looking)!