
Monday, October 18, 2010

And it's Monday again

Mondays just keep sneaking up on me. I had to rush to the post office already this morning to get out a trial order of wipe solution discs. A lady commented to me that it must be nice to wear jammies and I thought she was talking about me! She was talking about Caiden :) I did look like a bum though.

I need to scrub my entire downstairs today because we're having a bug problem. I hate bugs. Hate them. I probably don't need to scrub everything but it will make me feel better.

I think it's going to be an iced latte day. I need some caffeine!

Over the weekend we went to the Fall Festival in Bradenton. It was fun but not really our "scene." The hubby and I aren't very country and the whole thing had a out in the country feel to it. They had signs warning about fire ants because you had to park in a field to get to the festival... I'm allergic to fire ants. No fun. We got Caiden a little pumpkin though and wandered around and looked at everything. Hubby got boiled peanuts. Um gross. He loves them though.

When we got back into town we went to a local Catholic church and picked out two pumpkins for us to carve tonight. I'm going to make pumpkin cheescake french bread and I think a pumpkin pie. I <3 pumpkin!

DSC01862-1.jpg picture by evilkitten007

I finished several diapers this weekend and some fleece longies. I also got the wipe solution discs up. Now just waiting on customers :)

I need to start working on holiday gifts, too! The holidays are sneaking up right around the corner. I think we're going to try to do Christmas cards this year, too. Also my little boy's first birthday is next month. Tear. Where did my baby go? Just so much to do!

Thanks for reading :) Off to clean my mess of a house.
Pamela-1-1.jpg picture by evilkitten007

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